
Innovation Sensation

Issue 95

I always thought that I was gifted with magical powers. One of my earliest memories was sat on our doorstep crushing stones to make magical potions, like those featured in Asterix and Obelix a comic strip I used to enjoy growing up. Never realising that my magical powers or interest was actually innovation, and my deep desire in fixing things or making them better.

Nor that all of my career, a lot of my education and in fact broader life, would all be innovation focused, always being ahead of the curve.

The day my late father took me to Rumbelows – an old electrical store from black and white days on Northumberland Street – and we became one of the first families within the North East to own a VHS video recorder, certainly was a highlight. Don’t think other than recording the three tv channels there was much other function but certainly furthered my innovation foundation, and formed the basis of video on demand modern-day Netflix.

Thinking back at the various innovative experiences from the BBC Computer in school and Darren becoming my new best friend, who just so happened to own a spectrum 64 computer and a Tomytronic 3D, to walking around with a Nokia brick phone thinking I was the bees’ knees. Shouting down the microphone as the call quality was always so poor, reminiscent of Dom Jolly, alongside having to hold the phone at times with two hands due to the size of it. Certainly, wasn’t something that easily fitted into my pocket, but transformed how we called one another, having previously waited in a queue at the top of our street to use the payphone with my handful of 5ps and 10ps.

Roll forward to my first long term job in the North East, working for United Artists and helping launch residential dial up internet. I recall taking home my laptop pre-internet and websites to either dial into work or using a chatroom, with the terrible screeching of bits and bytes down the phone line. Then eventually going on to see the roll-out of first fibre high speed broadband across the UK.

The mid-1990s through to the early 2000s were arguably the most exciting, as not only did you need to understand the principles behind technology, but could also see how fast the changes were happening. Moving from DOS systems to Microsoft Windows 3.1 to NT with Solitaire and Paint coming as standard, through to seeing the shift from tapes, floppy drives to CDROMS.

The world was going to end at the strike of midnight on the 31st December 1999, with all the planes falling out of the sky and all computers failing. But other than the hangover from the start of the century, nothing really major occurred. Having led on some of the most innovative industry led projects within the UK it wasn’t until I left my role at Telewest, now Virgin Media, did I realise that I had been innovating all along. All from our region right here in the North of England.

I am incredibly proud of all that has happened and continues to happen within our North East. The North East has not only been a beneficiary of innovation but has also played a significant role in fostering it. From the automotive industry’s innovations to advancements in healthcare and renewable energy, our region has been a hotbed of talent and creativity. We’ve witnessed groundbreaking innovations like electric vehicles, biotech breakthroughs, and sustainable energy solutions, contributing to the world’s progress.

The North East’s innovation journey continues, with emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and clean energy at the forefront and I am delighted that I am playing a part through Yohlar a platform to help more and better innovation.

In the words of Steve Jobs, “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” Let’s choose to lead, to innovate, and to shape the future of our beloved North East and beyond. The journey continues, and the best is yet to come. Are you ready to be a part of it?

Join me in truly feeling the innovation sensation!

Ammar Mirza CBE is Chair & Founder of Asian Business Connexions, Chair of the NELEP Business Growth Board, Honorary Colonel of 101 Regiment RA and holds various positions across the public and private sectors.

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