
Tiredness & Exhaustion

Issue 57

These are fairly common problems in today's society, they are often linked to lifestyle, mood or the build up of stresses.

Living in a world where technology has created a society that never sleeps, these problems seem to have snowballed and behaviors which have always been there are getting worse including:

Drinking too much alcohol

Consuming too much caffeine

Working longer and later shifts at work

Long commutes leading to very long days

Snacking more on unhealthy sugar-laden snacks and drinks on the go

Not spending enough time to exercise

Pressures of work meaning less time to relax

Of course, there could be many reasons why tiredness and fatigue are affecting your life but one thing is for sure, making sure your diet and lifestyle is the best it can be could make a huge difference.

Here are a few tips to help you:

Avoid Toxins

Stick to natural products and avoid as many toxins as possible, especially the obvious ones like sugar, caffeine and alcohol. Try to eat what are bodies were designed to, in other words, fresh natural foods eg; lean meats, fish, vegetables, fruit, salad and eggs.


Staying hydrated is essential for our energy levels. Studies show even mild dehydration can cause tiredness. Rethink your lunch Eating more lean protein based foods rather than carbohydrates will help you avoid that afternoon slump. Re-thinking your lunches could transform the way you feel for the rest of the day.

More fruit and vegetables

When you’re tired and craving unhealthy foods, your body maybe looking for energy in any form that it can find it. In reality, your body is probably craving good nutrition. Aim for at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day.

Refined sugar free breakfast

Changing your breakfast to avoid sugar rich cereals and fruit juice should stop that energy high before crashing to zero. Look to porridge or eggs for a slow energy release, this will help you stay fuller for longer.


That feel good factor from exercising will leave you energized rather than tired, while also boosting your metabolism.

Positive environment

Spending time with friends in a positive happy environment will make you feel good and boost your energy levels.

Improve your stress management

Constant anxiety and high levels of the stress hormone cortisol can make you tired, if you want to feel more energetic take time to relax eg; go to a spa, do yoga, disconnect from your emails for a day. Once you are recharged you will feel much more energized and happier.

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