
Time To Be Positive...

Issue 47

Now that Easter is over, it's time to ditch any remains of sugary Easter eggs and focus on looking good for the summer.

That negative feeling about the way you look needs to be turned in to a positive, here are some ideas:

Negative into positive

Negative – I need to lose at least a stone for my summer holiday, I will never do it, it’s too late.

Positive – No its not! There are still 10 weeks until the middle of July, pull back on a few unhealthy food habits each day and if you lose just over 1lb a week, there is your 14lbs.

Negative – I eat very health food but still cant lose weight, why should i bother?

Positive – You may think you eat well but there is a big difference between eating healthily and eating to lose weight. Cut out any refined sugar and processed food, start eating what the body was designed to eat eg lean meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, eggs and drink 2-3 litres of water everyday, this way you will see big changes which will certainly have been worth the bother!

Negative – I do not have time to train.

Positive – We can all find time to train if you are focused and want it badly enough. Strength exercises such as squats, lunges, press ups, stomach/ core exercises can all be done in your home. As can running on the spot or on a mini trampoline. No excuses, we can all find 20 mins per day. Remember you can’t out train a bad diet, therefore make sure your food is 100% on track.

Negative – 1 glass of wine per night, is around 55,000 calories a year.

Positive – Even if you keep everything else the same but just remove that daily glass of wine you will drop around 4lbs by July.

Negative – I feel tired, lethargic and heavy. I’m really going to struggle in the heat abroad.

Positive – Starting regular exercise of any sort will instantly make you feel better about yourself. Add the fact your eating better and cutting down on alcohol consumption, will turn that lethargic and tired feeling into fitter, stronger and more energized. The reduction in body fat and new mindset will definitely help you deal with the heat much better.

Negative – I’m too embarrassed to go to a fitness class, I need to lose some weight first.

Positive – You are defeating the objective, the whole point of going to a fitness class is to make a difference, to the way you look and feel. The quicker you make a start, the quicker the results will happen. Lives can be turned around in a matter of weeks, all you have to do is believe, form new habits and be consistent.

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